Friday, October 19, 2007

Reaching Out 2 Friends Through Poetry

I called Coach Crunk on Sunday and once again was dissed. No pickup, no return call. In my grief, I composed the following. Yes, I have way to much free time at work. Feel free to diseminate your own poetry about Tommy Crunk.

An Ode to Crunk

He glides through the world in a florescent blue sweat suit
His bulk in constant motion except for girls that are cute

Students and bartenders, strippers, and even wives
He treats them all the same, like a bear raiding a bee hive

With a gallon of iced tea and cheese puffs for the party
His car zips along, for he hates to be tardy

Spraying cologne so he’s sure he’s not smelly
He can’t flip people off, because he’s fingering his belly

Always thinking of basketball and drawing up plays
His mind stuck in the past, with his Claymont glory days

He now lives in Maryland, amongst men afraid of shirts
One who loves his Brittney Spears dance pad, and belongs in a skirt

Because Crunk is a teacher, a coach, a slumlord, and a mac
Just be sure you don’t need him, because he’ll never have your back

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