Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Another Sign of the Apocalypse

Thumbelina, billed the world's smallest horse, is the size of a cocker spaniel, and is touring the country to cheer up sick kids. If I were a sick kid, and got plopped down in front of Thumbelina, I might suggest to her owner that instead of spending all day playing Darwin and creating unbelievably small horses maybe she could instead pour her time and money into other scientific pursuits, like fighting cancer or AIDs. I mean, its great we can create really tiny horses, it is, but it just seems to me that mini-horse people could help sick kids more with something along the lines of a cure for cancer. Besides, at this rate, in ten years the tiniest horse will be microspic and little Johnny will have to wheel himself over to a microsope so he can see Thumbelina X licking herself in a petrie dish.

Just a thought.

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